Easy 2 Ingredient Dog Treats: Make Your Own Healthy Dog Biscuits!

Thursday, April 11, 2024
Looking for an easy recipe for homemade dog treats? This one is about as easy as they come! This is pretty much a no-fail recipe, so give them a try. Believe it or not, you can eat them, too!

If you've made your way to this post, chances are you really love your dog, just like me. I even have a whole website devoted to my love of dogs called The Jersey Doggy. It's a work in progress, but I hope you'll stop by and visit it! This post contains Amazon affiliate links, but feel free to buy your supplies wherever you see fit.

Make Your Own Dog Biscuits 

This is a simple dog biscuit recipe, so all you'll need are two ingredients. And you don't have to have a dog to enjoy these treats. Share them with a canine neighbor, or donate them to a local shelter. You can also eat them yourself! Here's what you'll need to do.


2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour (I recommend Gold Medal or King Arthur, but any kind will do)
2 (4oz) jars of pureed baby food (beef, chicken, sweet potato, chicken, etc. We used a jar of carrot and a jar of sweet potato). You can also puree your own vegetables if you prefer not to use baby food, equal to 8oz. 

(you can also scroll to the bottom of this post for a printable version of this recipe)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees (Fahrenheit).

Mix ingredients together to form a soft dough. If your dough is too sticky, add a little extra flour. If it's too stiff, add a few tablespoons of water. Our dough was too dry, so we wound up adding two tablespoons of water and it was perfect.

Roll out dough on a floured surface (we actually didn't flour our surface at all because the dough consistency was perfect).

**Tip:  if you're making these treats with small children, the dough is very pliable. Break off a chunk and let your little one play with it if they get bored!

Use a cookie cutter to cut the dough into shapes, or if you don't have a cookie cutter, you can use a pizza cutter or knife to make small squares. If you want to get creative, there are some really fun cookie cutters available for dog treats, like this one that says 'I Woof You,' or this set of different doggy-themed shapes.

Place your treats on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes. You can bake on parchment paper if you have it, but we didn't and the biscuits still turned out great!  These shouldn't spread out much while baking, so it's okay to place them fairly close together if you need to.

The Jersey Doggy loved these warm right out of the oven. He's a skinny little thing, so I broke them into smaller pieces for him.

Believe it or not, you can eat these, too! Because they only have two ingredients, they don't have much flavor. But when they're consumed warm, they taste a little bit like a bread stick. Try dipping them in some warm tomato sauce or butter.

Cool completely or serve warm, depending on your doggy's preference. Our small biscuit cutter made about 24 treats. If you need to store them, you can keep them in a brown bag so they stay crisp. You can also put them in a plastic container, but they will get a little softer this way.

Here's the Full Recipe!
(for a printable version of this recipe, click here! )


2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
2 (4oz) jars pureed baby food (sweet potato, beef, etc), or puree your own food choices (a total of 8oz, that's two 4oz jars)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F).

Mix ingredients together to form a soft dough. If your dough is too sticky, add a little extra flour. If it's too stiff, add a few tablespoons of water. Our dough was too dry, so we wound up adding two tablespoons of water and it was perfect.

Roll out dough on a floured surface (we actually didn't flour our surface at all because the dough consistency was perfect).

Use a cookie cutter to cut the dough into shapes, or if you don't have a cookie cutter, you can use a pizza cutter or knife to make small squares.

Place your treats on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes. Cool completely before serving. Store in a brown bag for crispier treats. Yields about 24 treats (if using a 3" biscuit cutter).


Be sure to keep an eye on your treats if you're storing them. They are made with baby food so if kept too long they can get moldy, so just be aware of how long you're hanging onto them.

I experimented with storing these and I don't recommend keeping them longer than a week or so. They seemed to stay the best consistency in a brown bag, believe it or not.  Stored in a ziploc for over two weeks, they became moldy.

If you want to make a large batch or you have a small dog who can't eat all of these biscuits at once, you can divide the dough and freeze part of it uncooked (roll it into a ball, then flatten and wrap in saran wrap and wax paper. Seal in a ziploc bag in the freezer). 

Other Doggy Treat Tips

*Dogs cannot consume certain foods, so please be sure to avoid onions, grapes, raisins, or any of these foods deemed toxic for dogs.

*If your dog has food allergies, obviously I would not recommend making these, or be sure to use substitutes they are not allergic to. 

*Wheat flour contains gluten so if your dog is gluten sensitive, you can try substituting with a gluten free flour (although I have not tested this yet myself). Wheat flour IS fine for dogs in moderation and if they don't have allergies. You can read all about it from the American Kennel Club here

*If you prefer not to use baby food, you can absolutely puree your own vegetables or use your own food additions, equaling the ounces of the jars (two 4oz jars, so that's 8oz total)!!

*Lastly, this is a TREAT recipe and not intended to replace meals. Moderation is key with any dog treat! 


  1. Cute idea! Those look simple! We also love the Biscuit books!

    1. thank you so much for sharing that, had fun making them too😊

    2. What about adding pepper mint to flour mixture for a doggie breath mint treat

  2. We love biscuit books. This is such a cute idea! Sharing!

  3. Great idea for the doggy biscuits! I'm totally trying this with some leftover baby puree!

  4. We love the Biscuit Books! I don't think we have the Thanakgiving one. I'm going to have to get it. I love how you incorporated the dog biscuit recipe as well. I'm going to pass that on to my mom for her puppy :-) The pupcakes are absolutely adorable!

    1. Thanks so much, Mandy! The Thanksgiving one is definitely worth having for your collection!

  5. Wow 17 million copies? That's amazing! Our daughters love this series, so cute! And great job on those cupcakes...I want some!

    1. Thank you, Kristen! I know, Biscuit is one popular pup!

  6. Aw, what a fun idea! My children would love making this for their grandmother's dog.

    1. Thanks, Theresa! I'm sure the doggy would love it, too!

  7. What an amazing and simple recipe! I needed this. My "Santa" pet treat container needs to be more full :).

  8. This is such a cute idea! I keep meaning to try out a recipe for my big boy, Bentley but I keep forgetting. I will definitely have to pin to try later! starla.batesATyahoo.com

  9. Can these be frozen to last longer???

    1. So sorry for the ridiculously late reply. That's a good question! I have never tried to freeze them but I don't see why you couldn't. If anything they'd just be a little dry but your dog probably wouldn't care, right?

  10. What thickness do you roll the dough out to?

    1. It honestly depends on preference- I prefer a bit of a thicker biscuit, so I roll them to about a half inch thick!

  11. How long have you been able to keep these before they start molding? Do you think they would last 2 or 3 weeks? My dog loves the treats! I am considering making a larger batch.

    1. I never tried keeping them that long but I don't imagine they would keep since there is baby food in them and it could go bad (but you could try it!). I did have a few people tell me that they were going to try to freeze them. You could also try splitting the dough in half- freezing one half and using the other, so that you could just take out the dough to bake when you want it.

    2. Hi! Just to follow up: I made a batch of these for my doggy's birthday on 10/24. I saved some remaining ones in a ziploc bag for about two weeks to see what would happen and they indeed became moldy. Even in an air-tight container I think the results would have been the same. I did divide the dough and froze half of it (uncooked), so that would be your best bet if you want to make a big batch!

  12. Do you have to use wheat flour or could white flour be used?

    1. Hi there! You can use white flour. You can also use oats or a combination of oats and flour (your dough might be a little drier after mixing though).

  13. I used two sweet potato and one applesauce. They loved them. Tails were wagging!

    1. Awesome! I hope your fur babies enjoy them!

    2. Was that baby food or real sweet potatoes?

  14. So easy and my dogs love them. Gave samples bags to friends and all the "kids" loved them. I made a batch using bananas, worked really well. Also made three batches using banana, yam, and peanut butter. Worked Great! And the dogs loved them.

    1. So glad to hear that!! I never thought about using bananas. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Can you freeze the baked cookies????

    1. I've never tried to freeze the actual biscuits (cooked). I've frozen the raw dough with success. You could give it a shot- my guess is they just might be very dry after defrosting but I'm not sure our pups would care, right?

  16. Can't wait to get to the grocery store for supplies.We love our fur baby and think he will love this new treat's.

    1. Aw, that's great!! I hope your fur baby enjoys these!

  17. i have made these before and put in 2 eggs as well as the other ingredients and made a huge batch and did freeze them my babies like them fresh out of the freezer .

  18. My girls LOVE these so much better than store-bought treats! I live in Florida, so in the summertime, when baked goods tend spoil quicker than usual, I keep them in the fridge. They stay nice and crunchy and last until they have been gobbled up! Thank you so much for this super-easy and customizable recipe!

    1. Oh that's awesome! Makes me so happy! Thanks for sharing and I hope they keep enjoying them!

  19. Two things...1st, what is the "biscuit book" everyone is mentioning in their comments? lol And 2nd, thanks for the recipe! But wondering about using peanut butter (pb) bc dogs love pb. lol Have you tried it with pb? If so, did you adjust the amount of wheat flour?

    1. Oh! When I first published this post ages ago, it was actually for National Picture Book Month, and I included references to the childrens' book, Biscuit (I can't even remember which one!). After a while the book really wasn't relevant to the readers so I removed it! They also did away with Picture Book Month, so that's that. lol I have never tried this with peanut butter. You could give it a shot but I'm wondering if it would be too dry? The baby food adds the moisture needed to form the dough, I think.

  20. I tried this with no success. It was super sticky despite adding more and more flour. It felt like glue. Was it because I used white flour??

    1. Hi Giselle- hmmm, that has never happened to me. I usually have the opposite problem if anything (the dough can be too dry). I don't think it would make a difference if you used white flour. What kind of baby food/flavor did you use? It's possible some brands/types have a wetter consistency than others. Are you sure you used the right size jar of baby food?

  21. Easy recipe. My dog Bailey likes them frozen or refrigerated. Besides the two ingredients, I also added a finely chopped apple and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil for more flavor and added nutrition. Thanks for sharing.

  22. do you know if this would work with gluten free flour?

  23. Haye these look great just a general enquiry though is it 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 350 degrees Celsius? I'm sure the biscuits would turn out quite different if I didn't get that bit right...

    1. Hey there! It's Fahrenheit- sorry about that! Thanks for pointing it out. I edited so it reads correctly now. Hope you get a chance to make them. :)

  24. I’m about to try these, but I’m a bit confused about the amount of baby food - is it 2 jars that are 4 oz EACH, or a total of 4 oz? I bought baby chicken and the jars are 2.5 oz. Do I use 2 jars or will I need 4?

    1. It’s 2 jars that are 4oz each! Hope that helps! :)

  25. Just tried the recipe easy to make dogs are trying them now warm. Seems to be a hit with my one picky dog.

  26. Could these be made with pumpkin purée?

    1. I would like to know too. Thank you

    2. Exactly what I was going to ask :)

    3. That's what I'm trying for my dogs! I don't see why it wouldn't work.

    4. Yes that should work! I would just substitute an equal amount as the baby food jar.

  27. Thank you so much for your recipe, our doc Channy loves these, however we waited for them to cool fully down. Our dog is funny that way if we give to him warm he'll think that's how there supposed be and he's give me the stank eye if they weren't warm the next time so I did wait for them cool and he went bonkers for them. Thank you so much. God bless

    1. I totally understand! Although I'm sure Channy's stank eye is super cute. lol

  28. I made dog treats with pumpkin and WW flour. My dog wouldn’t touch them but the neighbor’s dogs loved them.

    1. I know, dogs can be picky! lol If you try again, maybe try something different from pumpkin?

  29. I’m going to try to make these for my dog. She is a senior though and his missing some teeth, is there something I can do make them softer? Thanks!

    1. Mine is a senior now too so I totally get it! Maybe try cooking them for a little less time so they're not as crunchy? They're actually not an overly crunchy type of treat anyway so she shouldn't have too much trouble, I don't think. A thicker biscuit also might not bake up as crisp as a thinner dough would, so also maybe don't roll the dough too thin.

  30. just made these my dog loves them so easy to make! I made them with some chicken i canned! Thank you so much for the fun treat for my baby!

  31. I only had the ❤️ shaped cookie cutters. Very fluffy dough, I also added 1/4 cup peanut butter swirled in and pureed some Tritip steak I had.. I know they'll Love these.

    1. Wow! That sounds great! I hope they enjoyed them.

  32. Can Oat flour be used?

  33. I just made some little piggies and flour shaped treats. Wheat flour, peanut butter and bluberries!! So cute and my dashound and shi-tzu loves them!!!


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