Simple Vanilla Muffins

Friday, January 6, 2023
Here's a delicious, simple muffin recipe that's great for breakfast, brunch or even dessert! Simple Vanilla Muffins are one of my favorite treats to bake!

Our cafeteria in college had an amazing kitchen where chefs would actually bake up fresh muffins every morning. They would serve them right out of the muffin tins, and it's obviously something I never forgot! One of my favorites was a vanilla based muffin, and although I've never found a recipe quite like it, this was the closest I've come! Thanks to Tina at Kaipunyam blog for sharing her amazing vanilla muffin recipe with the world. Here's my attempt at it.

You Will Need:

4 cups flour
2 cups sugar
8 Tbsp melted butter
1 Tbsp plus 2 tsp baking powder
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
2 cups milk
1 tsp salt
2 eggs


Preheat your oven to 400F. In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.

In a small bowl, combine milk, eggs, melted butter and vanilla extract.

Pour your milk mixture into your dry ingredients and mix well. The batter will appear slightly lumpy. Do not over-mix.

Transfer to muffin tin, filling cups halfway with batter (use paper liners/cupcake liners for best results, foil liners for even better results, as sometimes they can stick to the paper ones). Bake at 400 degrees for 18-20 minutes (they will be a bit gummy if you over-bake, so be sure to keep an eye on them and remove them from the oven before they get too brown- you want them just golden!). Yields 24 regular size muffins.

For a printable version of this recipe, click here!

Serve warm or sprinkle with sugar. Also great with fruit! And P.S. your house will smell amazing while you're baking these.

Simple Vanilla Muffins adapted from this fabulous recipe by Tina at Kaipunyam.


  1. I've never thought about just making a vanilla muffin! Looks delicious!

    1. It's definitely in a class by itself! Thanks for visiting, Brittany!

  2. YUM these look amazing!! So light and fluffy! I'm definitely going to have to give these a try!

    1. I hope you do! They are unique and oh so yummy! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. These look really yummy. I can't believe you have fresh muffins in college, how lucky! :)

    1. I know, I didn't think much of it then, but now I miss it! And I was a commuter so I really appreciated that warm muffin after a stressful drive to school every day! Thanks for reading, Deanna!

  4. I love warm muffins straight out of the oven. These look so moist and delicious.

    1. Me, too! Best way to eat them, right? Thanks, Katrina!

  5. Yum! These look great. I'll have to try them.

  6. Love this! They sound so simple and delicious! Can't wait to try this!

  7. These look so light and fluffy. Mmm! Thanks for sharing on #TastyTuesdays

  8. These are very dense but yummy! The bottoms of my first batch were burnt so I decreased the oven temp to 350 and decreased the time by about 5 minutes. Also added the seeds from a vanilla yummy!

  9. thank you for this recipe. my son loves these pink strawberry muffins (with no real strawberries in them) from a store near us. but they never have them in the winter, and for some reason they haven't had them all summer yet. so i am going to take this recipe, add some red food coloring to make them pink, and maybe a little bit of strawberry extract. i hope he will think they are the same thing! cant wait to try, thank you :)


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